Weekend Coffee Share: September 24, 2016 | Nerd in the Brain

Good morning, my wonderful blog friends! I so hope that your weekend is off to a magnificent start. So far, I have zero complaints. 🙂 Before we snuggle in for chatting, you should try out some of the apple crumble that the dinosaurs and I made…it’s delicious! (Okay, okay, the dinosaurs did most of the work…I just peeled and chopped the apples, combined the ingredients, made sure times and temperatures were correct, and served it…they totally did everything else.) 😉

Weekend Coffee Share: Dinos Making Apple Crumble | Nerd in the Brain

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Okay, let’s go ahead and get the big stuff out of the way, shall we?

Many of you are aware that I live in the Charlotte area (waaaaay out with the corn and cows in the middle of nowhere, but a quick 45-minute drive to Uptown Charlotte), and I’m sure you’ve been hearing some wacky news about our little piece of the world.

The riots seem to be over (and though the media insisted on using “protests” and “protesters,” I’m going to have to go with “riots” for anything that involves smashing windows, looting, beating random people, shootings, throwing bricks at police, blocking roads and trapping drivers, pulling cargo out of trucks and burning it, etc.), and the city is calming down. For the past two nights, peaceful protests have continued throughout the night.

While I really and truly understand the anger and outrage being expressed, I wish things could have been handled differently. Unfortunately, people took to the streets before anyone (other than law enforcement and politicians) had seen the video of the police shooting that prompted the reaction. Violence and chaos flared based on rumors and social media gossip…not facts. None of us regular ol’ civilian types have any way to know at this point if the shooting was justified or not. If it turns out that the shooting was justified (and I’m not saying it was or wasn’t…I’m saying there’s no way for me to know), the rioting behavior will be viewed as fuel for the racist fire rather than an understandable reaction to unacceptable circumstances.

Of course, I’ve also been pondering what in the heck I’m going to do about the racism and hate and violence and homophobia and basically all of the injustice that makes my tummy queasy. It’s something I think about a lot. I truly believe that one of the most powerful things I can do is stand against the hate and refuse to contribute to it…and raise a child who wouldn’t consider judging someone based on their color or gender or sexuality. But there are other powerful things I can do. I’m sure of it. On this very day, I became an official member of the NAACP…another step, I hope, in the direction of being part of the solution. (Won’t you think about joining, too? They do a tremendous amount of fabulous work for so many people. I didn’t even realize until today that the NAACP also fights for marriage equality and won’t stand for discrimination against the LGBTQ community.)

In addition to the unrest in our area, we’ve also been dealing with a gas shortage. For several days, getting gas wasn’t the normally simple matter of pulling up to the first gas station of your choosing and filling up. Nope, you had to search out the gas stations without plastic bags over the pumps…and that got to be a challenge. Prices increased, but not like they did after Katrina…it wasn’t nearly that bad. (The prices at the station I usually go to went from $1.89 to $2.29 before they stopped changing the sign because they were out of gas.) Fortunately, that situation (caused by a messed up pipeline and strange and mysterious gas transportation laws) seems to be well on its way to being completely cleared up.

Needless to say, it’s been a tough and stressful week for our general area.

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In lighter news, I’m working my way back (again) to being caught up with blog stuff. And, as is my usual way, that means I’m considering a whole new project. I’m not going to mention details because I may talk myself out of it yet. 😉 Until I decide, I’m hoping to have this wacky blog back on track this week. 🙂

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At home, I’ve been all about the Halloween decorating! I’ve decided that waiting until October is a silly tradition of mine that should be banished from the land. Mid-September is plenty late enough. 🙂 If you’re interested in how things are going on the decorating front, you can check out my Instagram pics. 😀

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Whave a lot coming up in the week ahead! PTSO meetings and ice skating and coffee with friends (not on the computer) and volleyball concessions (why did I sign up for that???) and our general carrying on. 🙂 And the week after that brings even more excitement…but I’ll tell you about that next week. 🙂

The time has come for me to get ready for my weekly outing with my made-of-awesome husband…lunch and hiking, here we come!

But before we go, I want to hear what you’ve been up to! Anything fun and/or exciting in the works???

And, of course, I hope you have a week full to the top with hugs and gigglesnorts and exploration and play and love! ❤

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Want to join in the Weekend Coffee Share fun? Head on over to Part-Time Monster’s fabulous place by clicking the picture below…

Join us for coffee at-

coffee break

7 thoughts

  1. Stay safe with all that rioting going on. It’s made the news in the UK. Hard times to be a parent. Have a good weekend. I have a horrid cold and have been in bed most of Saturday. Hurrah for husband who has taken over the weekly shop and cooking today


  2. As regards the troubles in Charlotte, what I see is so many knee-jerk reactions to knee-jerk reactions, and so on and on, and so much unclarity – Did he have a gun or not? And, if not, what can one do when ordered to drop a non-existent gun? Everyone hopes the videos will answer the questions and then they don’t. His wife said he had taken medication for his TBI – what was that medication and how did it effect his mental state? So many questions. So few answers. So little trust. Such a weight of history. So sad.

    So glad your own activities and plans are much happier.


  3. Your Halloween decor is looking great! I’m glad things are settling down in your area. I have to say, I’m entirely on board with your mission of fighting back by raising my own little one to never have any of the bigotry that has been running rampant lately. Things are pretty scary with that subject lately in fact. :/


  4. Hope things continue to get back to normal in your part of the world. Like you, I feel like social media fuel tense situations with rumors and false info mixed in with the facts. The world needs to spend more time being kind and tolerant. Let’s hope for that. Enjoy your time with the hubby and please thank the dinosaurs for the tasty treats! PS I bought a pumpkin this week. Does that count as Halloween decorating?


  5. Hoping things calm down soon. And I agree with the Halloween decorating! I made a l lighted garland strand for my banister – I love it!


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