Weekend Coffee Share: October 29, 2016 | Nerd in the Brain

Hello, blog friends! I so hope that your weekend is off to a fabulous start! Mine is warming up in a very lazy fashion…and I desperately needed that. We have continued to be crazed with activity around here. In the past week, we’ve had a concert, a play, a masquerade ball (that one was just Grace, but still there was much flooping about in preparations), and Halloween shenanigans. That’s all, of course, in addition to school, piano classes, work, volunteer work, blogs…you know, the usual stuff. 🙂 I am whooped…and ready to do a bunch of nothing this weekend. And that’s exactly what’s on the agenda. My biggest adventure this weekend? A trip to the grocery store. 😉

John and I aren’t even going on our usual hike…instead, he and Grace are going out for a daddy/daughter day. Yep, they’ll be spending the day out and about doing things they enjoy…like staring at every single instrument in multiple music stores. 😀

And that means that I’ll be puttering about the house and listening to the clinky, tinkery noises of my brain. 🙂

Well, before I carry on too much longer, tell me what’s new in your world! What do you have planned for the weekend? For the week ahead? Did anything awesome happen in your life this week?

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My brain power has been mostly slurped up by blog plans in the past few days. I have made a definite decision about moving my non-science-and-math posts to a fresh, new blog. I’ve even decided on a title! Are you ready for it???

Ms. Emily’s Home for Full-Grown Nerds

Hehe! Such a simple name, but it actually has a whole lot of meaning in my mind…I’ll explain all of that on the new blog. 😉

It’s not ready for public consumption quite yet, but I do think this may be the last Weekend Coffee Share that will happen here at Nerd in the Brain…next week, things should be happening at the new place. I promise to drop a link here though!

I’m also working out which social media platforms I want to use for each blog. I’m not a fan of Twitter (I’ve tried, y’all. Really, I have. I just can’t get into it.), so I’m thinking that’ll be a non-thing for all of the blogs from now on. I adore Instagram and Facebook and Tumblr and Pinterest, but they’re not all equally suited to all topics…definitely some stuff to think about.

Now I just need to figure out how to keep up with blog friends whilst running four different blogs. That may be a bit tricky, but I know I’ll come up with something. 🙂 I am soooo looking forward to catching up on reading blogs over the next few days! I think I finally have a week that’s not going to be full to the top of chaos, and that means time to read. Woot!

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November 15. That’s the day I’ve chosen for unleashing my secret project that I’ve been working on. 🙂 It’s nearly ready, but I want to make sure it’s as close to “my vision” as possible before I share. Giving myself a deadline helps to light a fire under my rear end…so I can, you know, actually do stuff instead of just planning and thinking and mulling. 😉 Do the stuff!

And November 21 is the day I’m thinking about for extending Go Play! I fully admit that I’ve dropped the ball on the Go Play thing, but I’d like to get it back on track and give people more time for earning points. I also think we could use something a little playful to see us through this election. (Because, geez, what a mess!) What do my Go Play peeps think of extending the fun by a couple of weeks?

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And now I want to share my very favorite thing from the week! (Which was a hard call to make since I saw two excellent plays, a great concert, and spent a lot of time with family and friends.) 🙂

Grace and I decided to start a new tradition of Halloween Acts of Kindness! For this, our first year of Halloween Kindness, we decided to treat our local library to some silly fun and snacking. Our library is so amazingly fabulous and brings so much to the community…they just seemed a natural choice. 🙂 Grace and I made up some goody bags of candy and silly treats (temporary tattoos and vampire teeth and things) and, yesterday afternoon, we delivered them to the librarians and staff. The librarians we left the loot with looked so happy…that was just awesome! 😀 Then, later in the day, I saw this on Instagram and Facebook:

So super-neat! I’m so glad they enjoyed their treats! 🙂

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Well,the time has come for me stop babbling. Though I plan to do things in a very slow and lazy fashion today, I do have things I need to tend to. (The people in this house seem to think they need food to eat and clean clothes to wear every single day. A bit unreasonable, no?) 😉

Of course, I hope you have a week full to the top with hugs and gigglesnorts and exploration and play and love! ❤

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Want to join in the Weekend Coffee Share fun? Head on over to Part-Time Monster’s fabulous place by clicking the picture below…

Join us for coffee at-

coffee break

4 thoughts

  1. I would love to see go play extended. I actually have several things to post but keep forgetting. Then there are things I forgot to photograph so I have to redo them! So yeah, extend! 😉


  2. Wow! Looks like we are having the same type of day. I decided to take today “off” for the most part. I am spending a luxurious day on the couch. No lie and no judgements. Much overdue for this kind of day. I love the Halloween kindness you did for your library. Libraries are such wonderful resources for the community. I have grown to love mine and their quiet study rooms. I should really be there now……

    So the best part of this week was the time I spent in Pittsburgh at the Face of the Person with a Disability symposium. It was simply outstanding! It’s what I love about my university where I’m a student….their focus on social justice for vulnerable populations. Listened to and met some amazing professionals who are doing great things in the area of disabilities. So inspiring! I also connected with my advisor briefly while there and the Director of the PhD program. He asked me how the program was going and was dumbfounded when I told him I was resigning from my job. I just love that look!!! LOL! I also met a new friend who lives in Pittsburgh. She is a research coordinator at the VA in Pittsburgh. She volunteered to be my tour guide when I come to visit Pittsburgh on a weekend sometime. I have never had time due to being so busy while there. She is interested in the PhD program. She has 4 kids and is married. And I’m quiting my job so I have more time for my PhD studies….and I don’t have kids or a husband. LOL!!! Anyway there is someone who is currently in the program with 9 kids and a husband. So I guess anything is possible.

    So this is my last week at work. November 3rd is my last day. And here’s how it’s going to look. LOL!
    October 31st-work from home, then go to a Halloween party with my meetup group
    November 1st-work in the office, take my RNs out to lunch-their caseloads are going up exponentially….feel sorry for them
    November 2nd-exit interview with CEO and HR, then go to VA for one of my farewell parties, then go to Paintnite with my meetup group
    November 3rd-turn in all my stuff-laptop, cell phone, badges, and keys and then go to my MD farewell party.
    November 4th-head to my favorite luxury cabin in the woods for 3 nights
    November 7th-come back to reality

    And that pretty much sums things up. I need to start my own blog instead of use up your space. :0 Maybe I will do that sometime after I come back from reality. I am taking the rest of the year off afterall.

    Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I cannot imagine how you can juggle multiple blogs and, you know, life stuff. That’s amazing! And I’m so bummed about Go Play. I was so into it. I started strong. Then life/floods/work/kids/birthdays/Halloween/politics happened. Maybe next year….


  4. I would love a Go Play! extension! Honestly, I’m going to apologize in advance for the ridiculous email I’m going to be sending you that is basically a MONTH’S worth of entries. But I promise it will be organized! I hope you enjoyed your lazy weekend; it sounds much deserved for sure!


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